Tamu Trial
Tamu Trial is a VR Climbing and Puzzling experience, are you skilled enough to complete the trials and find the Fountain of Youth?
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Team Members
System Programmer
Kyle Miciels
Network Programmer
3D Artist
Lisa Vugts
2D Artists
Fenna Engels
Kirsten Heijstek
Game Engine
Unreal Engine 4
Programming Language
Unreal's Blueprints
Tamu Trial
Tamu Trial is a VR Climbing and Puzzling experience, are you skilled enough to complete the trials and find the Fountain of Youth?
Book now
Team Members
System Programmer
Kyle Miciels
Network Programmer
3D Artist
Lisa Vugts
2D Artists
Fenna Engels
Kirsten Heijstek
Game Engine
Unreal Engine 4
Programming Language
Unreal's Blueprints

Gameplay Video


Water Puzzle

Platform Puzzle

Code Puzzle